Group Companies :   Sally Thermoplastic India Ltd.  Sally road systems pvt. Ltd  |
Phone : + 91 44 2365 1212

Services Offering

Building trusting relationships with our clients by being responsive to their expectations and provid¬ing the highest quality possible is the cornerstone of our corporate culture. Our attentiveness to our clients and all aspects of every project has resulted in long-term client relationships throughout our 15-year history. You can trust that we have "been there-done that." We understand the ins and outs of each project delivery method and will apply our knowledge and lessons learned to your projects. We can supply any number of resources which includes professional architects, project managers, engineers, electricians, plumbers and construction labor within no time.

TNR Constructions Pvt. Ltd [TNRC] practices open and honest communication, with our clients' trust a priority from the get-go. By being held accountable for our actions and offering complete transparency throughout the construction process, our clients have received not only higher quality projects on time and on budget, but also peace of mind that we acted as their agent with their best interests at heart.

Not sure which construction delivery method is right for your project? Our at a glance comparison chart can be found here. Feel free to contact us to discuss further!

Below are a list and a short description of our services, all of which are available no matter the con¬struction delivery method you have chosen.
